Sunday, December 7, 2008

O Christmas Tree

I really hate that song btw, but I love this time of year. Here are a few pictures that I took of some ornaments on my tree.

Q and I always get a new ornament for each member of the family each year. Ours is always two characters together. This is the first one we got 14 years ago. It is nifty cause the place we lived had a fireplace, and also because it is soooooo cheep it almost bends out of place every year. Why is that neat? We were poor. Memories help me appreciate what I have now.
Anybody else out there been poor? What has it taught you?

1 comment:

Becky said...

Whenever My Love or I find ourselves lament over not having funds we conclude with the words, "but we are rich in Love"

The ornaments are wonderful. I still have to get mine done.

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