Friday, December 7, 2007

Christmas cards...

Somebody pass the milkshake... A long time ago, a wonderful couple from Lakeland Fl, Susan and Larry Hilla taught me and Q that when something bad happens you go out and get a milkshake and celebrate how God is gonna fix this one. We got a Christmas card today... It wouldn't' be Christmas without cards right?? Well I am afraid we get this one most every year. From Alabama power... Saying we need to pay our bill... Lol seams like we are always having our power threatened around Christmas time... Oh well, we called them and worked out a deal. No use crying over it, may as well laugh, and enjoy life... It will get better one day.
Praise The Lord! I had my last class for this semester today... I still have the exams to go, but the classes are over... I am so glad. This has been a really hard semester, I took a class I didn't have to take because I didn't check with an advisor before I made my schedule... and well I have paid for it...
All of our money had to go to rent this week, so we had no money to buy groceries... I was kinda worried, but I prayed, and God hooked me up with a food bank. It is so funny, how God even works in things like that. They gave me a turkey, Q has been really wanting to cook one "his way" lol For thanksgiving, Mom and I overruled him, and we had a smoked turkey. He pouted for 2 days... ok not really, only to me. Now God has given him another one.. So, I think we are having thanksgiving again this week lol. I have to make some dressing.
No one really responded about the food posts, so I just decided to cut it out. I am still trying to cut back, and watch what I eat.I hope soon to get some sort of exercise paraphernalia...
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