Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Nana's Critter Corner...

This girl can find critters like no one I know. I'm gonna start calling her Ellie Mae, and be glad we don't have "cement pond."

Today she went out on the front porch, and came back in, and said "Can I pick it up?"

I said "Sure if you are brave enough..."

She was. Then she had to introduce it to her hamster, Yasha...

As If that weren't enough, then she found a Caterpillar. Pretty little thing, looked like it had crawled through some loose yarn!

So to top that off, she finally found the kittens our cat had about 5 weeks ago, and decided it needed to meet the Caterpillar... lol Friends for life, I am sure!

tGbtg Amen,
Proverbs 3:5-6

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