Wednesday, October 5, 2011

31 Days of DaNella's Brain... Microbursts!

Grab What You Can!

My older daughter, Christeonnah (12) had bought some candy, small round tart balls, and she was keeping them in a cracker box. Of course we accused her (just teasing) of trying to hide them from her younger siblings, to which she replied that she was merely “being creative.”
However at one point during the night when she went to reach in the box to get one, it tipped over and began to display a lot of tiny balls on my floor. This alone would have been funny, but since we have hardwood floors, as they scattered they bounced, making a fairly loud noise. It was loud enough that Juliannah (8) in the next room heard it, and she yelled “Spill on isle three; grab what you can!” and proceeded to run into the living room and try to steal all of Nana’s candy!
Too funny, but do you realize that is exactly how we need to be? We need to run to God, seek His presence, and long for His touch. We need to read our bible, and immerse ourselves in Him so deep that we can’t be found. He tells us to be filled to overflowing with His spirit.
Eph 5:18 Don't get drunk on wine, which leads to wild living. Instead, be filled with the Spirit

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