Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It's that time of year...

When the kids go back to school!!! YAY! I love em but I am excited for them. I was... WAS homeschooling Matt and Nana, but well let's just say I failed miserably, so this symester they went back to public school. The up side of this little experament was now they are in the same grade. I think it will be a good thing.


Becky said...

What great looking kids. They all have a sparkle in their eyes. I bet they keep you on your toes.

Anonymous said...

Wow, they've grown! Praying for the family that God will take care of every detail of your needs and that you would have wisdom for each step you take. Be blessed!

not just a mom said...

You didn't fail miserably! God has not finished with your kids yet, He gave you wisdom to do what you did and then put them in school when you did. Failure? not in the least. They will be fine. Continue praying for them and asking God for guidence but there's no need to call yourself a failure, you will still be "homeschooling" them in spiritual matters, when things get confusing at school, helping with homework etc............yeah i don't see any failures here!

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

I absolutely agree with the commentor above, Danella!

Don't say you failed. You just entered a new season, girl.

Love you...

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